Tag: Marketing

The Business Owner Q&A

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By Carolyn West-Price Touhey, Contributing Blogger In a recent meeting with the owner of a new business, he asked questions that I’ve answered thousands of times over the years. Given that these are on the minds of many new and existing businesses, I thought this column would be a perfect venue to answer them for those who may not have the opportunity to ask in person. Q: How do you identify and cost-effectively reach prospective…

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Keeping Your Small Business Personality As You Grow

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Every business organization has a personality. There are many books and articles about it, but they all make the same statement: The business personality is what the company is about, made up of the firm’s mission and messages, values, environment, corporate culture and its behavior under stress. Small businesses and start-ups develop their personalities based on the founders’ and senior executives’ enthusiasm for the business and their drive for success. Their feelings of purpose and…

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